
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Five Factors of Muscle Growth

1. There are 16 groups of large muscle groups, 8 groups of small muscle groups such as chest, back, legs and other large muscle groups.  Every time you train, at least 16 groups (add up all groups), try to reach the designated position within a limited time , As for small muscle groups, many people will choose to exercise with a combination of large and small muscles, so it is also recommended to do at least 8 groups. 2. How to choose the weight Training under 3RM-6RM is more suitable for increasing strength. Training under 12RM-15RM helps to improve endurance. In the field of weight training, RM refers to the highest number of times you can repeat a single weight and is a unit of weight. Example: You can only lift a 10kg dumbbell 8 times, but you can’t lift it up on the 9th time. For you, your 8RM is 10kg. When fitness enthusiasts increase their muscle circumference, they usually choose a weight of 8~12RM. Scientific research shows that 8~12RM is the most conducive to the growth of mu

Some bad habits that fitness can't do

1. Eat a big meal before training Some people say that you can only exercise when you are full, but this is not the case. When you eat a lot of food, your body will instinctively guide the blood to the digestive organs. And when we exercise, the body will guide the blood flow to our related muscle groups, which makes our digestive system and the muscles we exercise "fight for more blood flow. The end result is that both sides lose, the food is not digested completely, and the exercise effect Also discounted. 2. Drink too much coffee before training Although coffee can be refreshing, enhance physical fitness, and promote calorie consumption. However, excessive caffeine intake may cause physical reactions such as insomnia, increased heart rate, anxiety and other side effects. These reactions can have serious consequences for training. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the right amount when drinking coffee to ensure the best training effect. 3. "Static Stretching&qu

6 Reasons You're Not Building Muscle

1. Excessive smoking Smoking can cause your body to take in too much carbon monoxide, which will prevent the muscles from absorbing and utilizing oxygen. When oxygen is scarce, the utilization rate of oxygen to the meat will be reduced, which will lead to decreased muscle explosiveness and weakened fitness effects. 2. Excessive drinking Drinking alcohol, excessive intake of alcohol will affect the secretion of hormones, hormones are indispensable for building muscle, alcohol will reduce the secretion of human growth hormone, the reduction can be as high as 70%, so how can muscles grow? 3. Do not eat after training After training, the body is in a catabolic state for energy, so take in the right amount of carbohydrates and convert it into an anabolic state for building muscle fibers. If you don't take in energy after training, the muscles may be broken down, so you must take in carbohydrates and protein after training, otherwise you will get thinner and thinner. 4. Overtraining Exce

Belly Breathing Helps You Run Easier

Belly breathing helps you run easily๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿป‍♀️๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ’จ Belly breathing is a method of deep breathing that relaxes the abdominal muscles to allow air to flow more easily into the lungs. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป 4 Benefits: ✅Increase oxygen supply and discharge carbon dioxide after metabolism more thoroughly ✅Improve running performance and endurance, so you won't be out of breath ✅Help relax the body, reduce tension and fatigue ✅Help to practice vest line quickly ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐ŸปHow to do it: 1⃣️Can practice at any time - the super simple "515 rule" Inhale deeply to inflate your stomach for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 1 second, and then exhale slowly to retract your stomach for 5 seconds. Whether you are standing, sitting or lying down, you can practice. 2⃣️ Can be practiced during meditation There are many good meditation courses, and the voice guidance will teach you how to breathe step by step. You can also practice abdominal breathing at this time~ ⚠️ 3 Notes: ๐Ÿ’š Belly breathing is not simply "dr

How to Control Your Breathing Rhythm While Running?

 Why steady breathing? How to control breathing rhythm? —— ๐Ÿ’šHow to adjust your breathing while running๐Ÿ’š [Steady breathing has many benefits] such as: 1⃣️ Effectively promote the metabolism and circulation of oxygen in the body, and have a stronger cardiopulmonary capacity 2⃣️ Your steps will also have a sense of rhythm, and your body and mind will be integrated. You don't have to think about how to run, and you can run naturally and easily 3⃣️ Enter meditation or flow state while running, the "harmony between man and nature" is wonderful So How to control breathing rhythm❓ ✅ Breathing rhythm suitable for most runners It's 3-3, 3-2, 2-2 (what does this mean๐Ÿค”) For example, the breathing method of 2-2 is: Match your steps, inhale for two steps, exhale for two steps It looks easy, it ain't [doge][doge][doge] For example, when some friends are jogging, do they smoke 3 times in 3 steps❓ The main reason is: the oxygen inhaled once is not enough, especially when the pa

Which is better to breathe through your nose or through your mouth while running?

Let’s take a look at it first ➡️ [The difference between nasal breathing vs mouth breathing] ๐Ÿ‘„ Mouth-breathing - air goes directly into the respiratory tract ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐ŸปNasal breathing - the air enters the nasal cavity first, and then enters the respiratory tract ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐ŸปThe nasal cavity can preheat and humidify the inhaled air The mucus and hair in the nose can "block" the dust in the air and even kill some bacteria. ๐Ÿ‘„However, the mouth does not have the "special function" of the nose at all, and all kinds of harmful substances can enter. There is also an old saying that "diseases enter through the mouth" So the conclusion is ➡️ [Breathing with your mouth is bad for your health] But when running, the oxygen is not enough (such as accelerating) ➡️ [What should I do when I have to use my mouth to assist breathing? ] 1⃣️ Don’t worry too much about how comfortable you are, for example: when you are allocated 8-9, you can breathe through your nose; when you are allocat

How to choose between running 5 kilometers every day and running 10 kilometers every other day

Which is better, running 5 kilometers a day or 10 kilometers every other day? The total mileage of the two is the same, but very different. I have experienced both. Today I will talk about two running methods. [Suitable for the crowd] and [Advantages] ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— Run 5⃣️ kilometers every day Suitable for the crowd: People who want to maintain a stable amount of exercise, daily regularity, and gradually improve their endurance and fitness. advantage: ✅This kind of running volume is relatively small and the load is small ✅ Help maintain continuous exercise habits ✅Prevent body adaptive degeneration ✅Stable maintain cardiopulmonary function and promote daily circulation and metabolism Run 1⃣️0⃣️km every other day Suitable for the crowd: People who want to challenge themselves and improve their speed and endurance. advantage: ✅ More recovery time for the body ✅Muscles can be better repaired and grown every other day ✅Increased resting muscle glycogen reserves before exercise ✅ Helps improve exp

Some tips for running in dog days

After falling, high temperature, high heat, and high humidity "sauna days" will appear frequently, and the heat is unbearable. There are many benefits to running in the dog days, but you need to pay attention to the following points: This year's first volt starts on July 11, the middle volt period is from July 21 to August 9, the last volt period starts from August 10, and is expected to end on August 19, a nearly 40-day period. Running in dog days needs to remember these six points: 1. Choose correct run time Outdoor running: Avoid the time when the temperature is high. The best time is morning and night. Runners who like to run at night, girls are best to go together. Choose places with many people and try not to go to remote places. Remember to pay attention Safety. 2. Dog days are the "golden period for weight loss" The temperature in dog days is relatively high, and the body's metabolism is relatively fast, which can promote blood circulation, accelerat

How long does running last to be effective?

This question is a bit general, running is a step-by-step iterative process, and every run will bring gains. Different time periods will have different harvests, such as a week, a month, a quarter, half a year, a year, etc. How much you harvest depends on the effect you want to achieve. 1. Relax your body and mind - you can get results every time you run Running not only relaxes the body, but also the mind. When you're tired or feeling down, putting on your running shoes and going for a run can provide a quick boost to your body and mood. Running for half an hour on the sports field, on the track in the park or on the treadmill in the gym or at home can make your body sweat, which can help you relax and relieve fatigue, and it can also help you sleep. The effects of running are dramatic, and you will feel an immediate improvement in your body and mood.

Five running tips for beginners

 ๐Ÿƒ‍♂️Is it hard to keep running แ•™(`▿´)แ•—? Five-point running advice for beginners เฉญ แ•)เฉญ*⁾⁾ Let’s take a look [come on] ๐ŸŒปHello~Recently, I have seen many friends who have just embarked on a ๐Ÿ‘ฃrunning journey find it very difficult to develop a running habit. They often cannot persist due to various reasons [hate]. Runners of the year ๐Ÿƒ‍♂️, unlock the whole marathon ๐ŸดRunning enthusiasts give some suggestions to friends๐Ÿ’ฌ, starting from improving the running experience and adjusting the running mentality ❷, I hope everyone can have a new understanding of running after reading it Yes, let's get started (◦˙▽˙◦)

How to run to lose weight the most effective?

Running is my favorite aerobic exercise in weight loss. How to run to lose weight is the most effective, I mainly divide it into the following three points: 1⃣Maintain fat-burning heart rate: Fat-burning heart rate is the heart rate of aerobic exercise. Calculate the maximum heart rate by age (subtract age from 220). The fat-burning heart rate is 65%-85% of the maximum heart rate. It takes a while to achieve the effect of burning fat.

How to choose morning run or evening run?

 ☀️Morning run and ๐ŸŒ night run, how to choose? ๐ŸŒปHi, I don’t want to start with Moji, just throw away the answer ๐Ÿ’ฏ, let me share my opinion first๐Ÿ’ฌ(เธ‡ •_•)เธ‡: There is actually no fixed answer to this question, and the right to choose is still in the hands of everyone, but as a A person who insists on running for five years๐Ÿƒ‍♂️, who has tried running in various time periods, the role I play is——I can share the advantages and disadvantages of running in these two time periods here, and friends can combine their own situations. Pay attention to the place, choose (  ̄▽ ̄)ฯƒ from it, of course, you can also have [doge]

The Big Truth About Knee Pads

If a post is all telling you how important it is to wear knee pads, most of those people are selling knee pads. Today I want to use my personal experience to talk to you about the truth! First of all, we must be sure, the person who sells the knee pads The [benefits] of knee pads ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป 1⃣️ Knee pads can enhance the stability of joints For patients with knee joint injuries or lesions, the role of knee pads is very important at the beginning of activities on the ground. It can stabilize the joints, not only avoid the aggravation of joint pain, but also facilitate the recovery of their own functional rehabilitation exercises.

3 Breathing Techniques For Running

Share 3 breathing techniques about running to help you easily break through the bottleneck of running speed. ๐Ÿ’กExperience sharing I use the yoga abdominal breathing method when I run, so running is relatively easy, and breathing is relatively deep and natural. Shortness of breath and disorder indicate that your heart rate is also soaring!

Three ways to make you fall in love with running

 ⭐Three ways to make you fall in love with ❤️running๐Ÿƒ‍♂️! How to effectively develop and maintain running habits, please check ✉️! 0⃣️The content of this article is for personal understanding๐Ÿ’ก, applicable to people⭕: I have been in contact with running๐Ÿƒ‍♂️for a while, but I don’t understand enough about the real meaning of running๐Ÿ‘Š and the things that need to be paid attention to, which leads to physical fatigue, inner confusion, inability to maintain [muscle] and thus unable to form a running habit๐Ÿ’Ÿ, please review the following⤵️

Why Exercise Can Fight Depression

Recent news has highlighted the high incidence of depression in modern society. ๐Ÿ’šI want to summarize what I have learned in my major in detail and in a simple way, so that more people can independently prevent and treat depression and depression๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ [What is depression like] Each of us will have [depression]. Also the internet buzzword "emo" you've heard.

How to run downhill correctly to avoid injury?

The park where I ran today has many ramps, which can better exercise muscle strength, propulsion, cardiopulmonary function, etc. However, going up and down will increase the load on the knees and even cause injuries, especially downhill. So how to run on slopes correctly to avoid injury?  Uphill: 1⃣️ Keep your body in a balanced posture while running, don't bend over. Many people feel tired because of the slope, so they unconsciously have a hunchback. At this time, they need to raise their knees as much as possible, push their feet back, and use the strength of their thighs to move forward.

How to use the treadmill correctly

Have you exercised today? [Ha ha] Go to the gym in the morning and run 5 kilometers ✅ I still like treadmills, the main two reasons are It is not affected by the weather and can practice stride frequency. Let's talk about [the correct way to run the treadmill] today Achieve 1⃣️0⃣️ elements, safety and health accompany you๐Ÿ’š

Nutrition for Knee Care - 6⃣️ Do 3⃣️ Don't

The most important thing for knee care is nutrition, let’s talk about today ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♀️What nutrients should be supplemented & what to eat/not eat❓ (Reminder ❤️ contains deep reasons and may last more than a minute) Knee injuries caused by sports are basically divided into three types: muscle, bone and cartilage (the most difficult injury is cartilage injury, because there are almost no blood vessels in the cartilage tissue, and it is difficult to reach drugs and nutrition, especially for meniscus cartilage injuries. Notice) So we need targeted nutritional supplements๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

How Girls Gain Muscle

From 42KG to 51KG, from flat front and back flat to lordosis and back warping, I have always been lean and thin. Gradually, I found that girls need to be healthy, have lines, and curves to be beautiful. First, pay attention to health Health always comes first. After the age of 25, you should take good care of your body, stay up late, eat well, refuse bad habits, and pay attention to things related to personal health from an ideological point of view. Second, regular exercise No matter what kind of exercise you do, remember to persevere. Running and cycling can make you secrete dopamine, keep you young and happy. I use anaerobic and aerobic combination, aerobic 1-2 times a week, and 2-3 times in the gym. Anaerobic is the main way to increase muscle (if fat loss is mainly aerobic). Third, proper ironing For girls, ironing is also very important. If you want to increase muscle, it is recommended to train on strength equipment 3 times a week. If you want to increase muscle faster, heavy we

Different exercises build different body

Tell you with personal experience๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♀️2016-The first year of fitness: running in the school playground + skipping rope, occasionally training on the mat, the original weight was only 88 catties, and the weight gradually increased after training ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♀️2017-Second year of fitness: Start strength training on a small weight mat, gradually become tighter, with some lines ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♀️2018-The third year of fitness: I started strength training in the gym and gained muscle faster, but at that time I lacked knowledge and blindly increased muscle, resulting in fat and strong, and poor posture

Some cold knowledge about weight loss, can you judge whether it is true or false?

1. Most of the fat in a day comes from supper and dinner at night. 2. Being called fat will increase the probability of gaining weight by 6 times. 3. Eat less and not get fat. 4. Losing weight can help improve memory. 5.90% of marathon runners have very thin calves, so don't worry about running to make your calves thicker. 6. A glass of light salt water in the morning is not good for weight loss, and it will also cause edema due to excessive salt intake for the day. Only a glass of warm water in the morning is enough.