How to use the treadmill correctly

Have you exercised today? [Ha ha]

Go to the gym in the morning and run 5 kilometers ✅

I still like treadmills, the main two reasons are

It is not affected by the weather and can practice stride frequency.

Let's talk about [the correct way to run the treadmill] today

Achieve 1⃣️0⃣️ elements, safety and health accompany you๐Ÿ’š

1⃣️ Please be sure to warm up

2⃣️ Look forward, don't look down at the mobile phone on the table while running

3⃣️ Control the stride, not too big

4⃣️ Control the center of gravity and reduce vertical movement

5⃣️ Accelerate slowly, don't go fast as soon as you come up

6⃣️ You can increase the slope/running intensity, but not too steep

7⃣️ Don't grab the handrail to run, you still have to swing your arms back and forth

8⃣️ Wearing earphones while running on the road may be dangerous, and you can rest assured to follow the rhythm of the music on the treadmill to practice the cadence

9⃣️ Put the supplies on the treadmill, and replenish frequently in small amounts

1⃣️0⃣️ Don't get down immediately after running, walk for a while to avoid dizziness


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