Three points practice seven points to eat, diet tips

Decided to start losing weight seriously! Start with diet!

1. When you eat breakfast every day, you can add a glass of milk, which can not only supplement the protein and calcium needed by the body, but also make you feel fuller.

2. If your diet has always been single, you must pay attention! This may be why you are obese. The diet should avoid a single structure and a balanced diet, so that the body can function efficiently and the metabolism will gradually increase.

3. If you have prepared some high-starch vegetables such as potatoes and lotus root, then please try to reduce the amount of Zhongmi noodles in Dangdun diet.

4. White porridge is not a good choice for weight loss. It has a high glycemic index and is easy to get hungry. It can be replaced by miscellaneous grains, corn, and sweet potatoes.

5. Prepare a watering can and oil can, so that when cooking with oil, it can reduce the amount of oil used.

6. Chewing slowly when eating can help reduce appetite and consume fewer calories.

7. Drinking more hot water before meals can indeed reduce your calorie intake for a meal.

8. Although vegetables are necessary for the human body, if you put too much oil in cooking, it is also unhealthy.

9. Salad seems to be a representative of a healthy diet, but don't put salad dressing. A small bowl of salad dressing may have more calories than a whole salad.

10. Juices sold on supermarket shelves, regardless of whether they are 100% or raw squeezed, are not worth drinking. They concentrate the sugar in the fruit, but remove good things such as dietary fiber, and their nutritional value is greatly reduced.

11. An egg for breakfast can supplement high-quality protein, but if you are in the fat loss period, don’t eat more egg yolks.

12. Eighty-two rule for weight loss. 80% of the time is healthy eating + exercise, and the remaining 20% is for yourself to relax, which can make weight loss last longer.

13. If you are not hungry, but want to eat, drink a glass of water, and then do push-ups, squats, crunches, planks, etc.

14. When cooking, chew a grain of xylitol in your mouth to reduce your appetite.

15. When eating, don't always stare at your mobile phone or TV to avoid eating too much unconsciously.

16. Try not to put snacks at home. In many cases, if you don’t have snacks at home, you won’t eat them.

17. When cutting vegetables, the ingredients are cut into large pieces, which requires more time to chew, the speed of eating is slowed down, and the amount of food eaten is reduced.

18. The cooking method is mainly boiled and cold salad, and it should be properly matched with roasting and frying, and frying should be avoided.

19. Don’t just run when you think about losing weight. You can try a variety of sports together. High-intensity interval training is more effective for burning fat and is worth trying.

20. Dieting is an unscientific way to lose weight, it is easy to rebound, and it is not good for the body.

21. There is no food with negative calories, but the process of eating is also a kind of consumption, isn't it?

22. Use blue tableware to help curb your appetite.

23. Eight glasses of water a day is the bottom line. If you want to achieve a better weight loss effect, you can keep drinking water at about 10 cups a day, and drink water frequently in small sips to avoid water intoxication.

24. Chewing slowly and slowing down the speed of eating can make it easier to feel full and avoid eating too much food.

25. Avoid sitting for a long time and crossing your legs. These bad habits are the main cause of obesity in the lower body. If you want to avoid elephant legs, you must correct your sitting posture.

⚠️Take it as appropriate, different physical conditions are not suitable for all.


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